
Where I sleep: french edition

I was having quite a hard time finding a place to stay. I really felt the need to find a hip, boutique hotel for at least the final 3 nights. I found a place called the Five Hotel that seemed to fit my style perfectly but i was still without a place for the first 4 nights. Sonya and her sister visited Paris last year and i remember her saying how great it was to have rented an apartment for the week. So i started looking for a little apartment in the Latin Quarter / St. Germain area of town. After several days of not finding anything and having a hard time contacting a few that were avaible Marcia (who has been in paris for a week already) discovered this great little place. I was going to only stay for 4 nights and then switch off to the hotel for the final two. Well, once i got to the area, walked up the 4 flights of stairs and saw how perfectly french this place was, i immediately wanted to stay all 6 nights here. Instead of the 450 euro she was asking, i paid the full 650 for the week and that was that. No boutique french hotel this time.

The place has two rooms, a great bathroom, a full size and a half size bed, kitchen, free wi-fi (pronounced wee-fee by my french folks) and unlimited calling to the U.S.